
  package go_pool_priority

  import (






  // ErrEmpty is returned for queues with no items

  var ErrEmpty = errors.New("queue is empty")

  // ErrDuplicateItem is returned when the queue attmepts to push an item to a key that

  // already exists. The queue does not attempt to update, instead returns this

  // error. If an Item needs to be updated or replaced, pop the item first.

  var ErrDuplicateItem = errors.New("duplicate item")

  // New initializes the internal data structures and returns a new

  // PriorityQueue

  func NewPriorityQueue() *PriorityQueue {

  pq := PriorityQueue{

  data: make(queue, 0),

  dataMap: make(map[string]*Item),



  return &pq


  // PriorityQueue facilitates queue of Items, providing Push, Pop, and

  // PopByKey convenience methods. The ordering (priority) is an int64 value

  // with the smallest value is the highest priority. PriorityQueue maintains both

  // an internal slice for the queue as well as a map of the same items with their

  // keys as the index. This enables users to find specific items by key. The map

  // must be kept in sync with the data slice.

  // See https://golang.org/pkg/container/heap/#example__priorityQueue

  type PriorityQueue struct {

  // data is the internal structure that holds the queue, and is operated on by

  // heap functions

  data queue

  // dataMap represents all the items in the queue, with unique indexes, used

  // for finding specific items. dataMap is kept in sync with the data slice

  dataMap map[string]*Item

  // lock is a read/write mutex, and used to facilitate read/write locks on the

  // data and dataMap fields

  lock sync.RWMutex


  // queue is the internal data structure used to satisfy heap.Interface. This

  // prevents users from calling Pop and Push heap methods directly

  type queue []*Item

  // Item is something managed in the priority queue

  type Item struct {

  // Key is a unique string used to identify items in the internal data map

  Key string

  // Value is an unspecified type that implementations can use to store

  // information

  Value interface{}

  // Priority determines ordering in the queue, with the lowest value being the

  // highest priority

  Priority int64

  // index is an internal value used by the heap package, and should not be

  // modified by any consumer of the priority queue

  index int


  // Len returns the count of items in the Priority Queue

  func (pq *PriorityQueue) Len() int {


  defer pq.lock.RUnlock()

  return pq.data.Len()


  // Pop pops the highest priority item from the queue. This is a

  // wrapper/convenience method that calls heap.Pop, so consumers do not need to

  // invoke heap functions directly

  func (pq *PriorityQueue) Pop() (*Item, error) {


  defer pq.lock.Unlock()

  if pq.data.Len() == 0 {

  return nil, ErrEmpty


  item := heap.Pop(&pq.data).(*Item)

  delete(pq.dataMap, item.Key)

  return item, nil


  // Push pushes an item on to the queue. This is a wrapper/convenience

  // method that calls heap.Push, so consumers do not need to invoke heap

  // functions directly. Items must have unique Keys, and Items in the queue

  // cannot be updated. To modify an Item, users must first remove it and re-push

  // it after modifications

  func (pq *PriorityQueue) Push(i *Item) error {

  if i == nil || i.Key == "" {

  return errors.New("error adding item: Item Key is required")



  defer pq.lock.Unlock()

  if _, ok := pq.dataMap[i.Key]; ok {

  return ErrDuplicateItem


  // Copy the item value(s) so that modifications to the source item does not

  // affect the item on the queue

  clone, err := copystructure.Copy(i)

  if err != nil {

  return err


  pq.dataMap[i.Key] = clone.(*Item)

  heap.Push(&pq.data, clone)

  return nil


  // PopByKey searches the queue for an item with the given key and removes it

  // from the queue if found. Returns nil if not found. This method must fix the

  // queue after removing any key.

  func (pq *PriorityQueue) PopByKey(key string) (*Item, error) {


  defer pq.lock.Unlock()

  item, ok := pq.dataMap[key]

  if !ok {

  return nil, nil


  // Remove the item the heap and delete it from the dataMap

  itemRaw := heap.Remove(&pq.data, item.index)

  delete(pq.dataMap, key)

  if itemRaw != nil {

  if i, ok := itemRaw.(*Item); ok {

  return i, nil



  return nil, nil


  // Len returns the number of items in the queue data structure. Do not use this

  // method directly on the queue, use PriorityQueue.Len() instead.

  func (q queue) Len() int { return len(q) }

  // Less returns whether the Item with index i should sort before the Item with

  // index j in the queue. This method is used by the queue to determine priority

  // internally; the Item with the lower value wins. (priority zero is higher

  // priority than 1). The priority of Items with equal values is undetermined.

  func (q queue) Less(i, j int) bool {

  return q[i].Priority < q[j].Priority


  // Swap swaps things in-place; part of sort.Interface

  func (q queue) Swap(i, j int) {

  q[i], q[j] = q[j], q[i]

  q[i].index = i

  q[j].index = j


  // Push is used by heap.Interface to push items onto the heap. This method is

  // invoked by container/heap, and should not be used directly.

  // See: https://golang.org/pkg/container/heap/#Interface

  func (q *queue) Push(x interface{}) {

  n := len(*q)

  item := x.(*Item)

  item.index = n

  *q = append(*q, item)


  // Pop is used by heap.Interface to pop items off of the heap. This method is

  // invoked by container/heap, and should not be used directly.

  // See: https://golang.org/pkg/container/heap/#Interface

  func (q *queue) Pop() interface{} {

  old := *q

  n := len(old)

  item := old[n-1]

  old[n-1] = nil // avoid memory leak

  item.index = -1 // for safety

  *q = old[0 : n-1]

  return item
