Mysql exists用法小结
# 查询体重秤
select * from activity_main where act_code in (
select act_code from activity_sku where sku = '翎野君的体脂称'
# 查询体重秤
select * from activity_main a where exists (
select 1 from activity_sku b where a.act_code = b.act_code and b.sku = '翎野君的体脂称'
# 模糊查询B-BEKO英国婴儿推车
select * from activity_main where act_code in (
select act_code from activity_sku where sku like '%B-BEKO%'
# 模糊查询B-BEKO英国婴儿推车
select * from activity_main a where exists (
select 1 from activity_sku b where a.act_code = b.act_code and b.sku like '%B-BEKO%'
# 查询在博客园举办的活动
select * from activity_main where act_code in (
select act_code from activity_area where area = '博客园'
# 查询在博客园举办的活动
select * from activity_main a where exists (
select 1 from activity_area b where a.act_code = b.act_code and b.area = '博客园'
# 在博客园举办活动且活动奖品为华为手机的活动信息
select * from activity_main where act_code in (
select act_code from activity_area where area = '博客园' and act_code in (
select act_code from activity_sku where sku = '华为P30Pro'
# 内层的exists语句只在当前where语句中生效,最终是否返回,要根据最外层的exists判断,如果是 true(真)就返回到结果集,为 false(假)丢弃。
select * from activity_main a where exists (
select 1 from activity_area b where a.act_code = b.act_code and b.area = '博客园' and exists
(select 1 from activity_sku c where a.act_code = c.act_code and c.sku = '华为P30Pro')
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