⑶It’s less than a month left in this year, and how many of you, be honest, how many of you followed through on your resolutions for this year?
⑷I think you’re perfect the way you are.
⑸Don’t change a thing.
⑹否定+ a thing = anything
⑺Just The Way You Are 的歌词:
⑻When I see your face
⑼There's not a thing that I would change
⑽'Cause you're amazing
⑾Just the way you are
⒀You don’t need to lose ten pounds…Diets are no fun.
⒁diet n. 节制饮食
⒂Actually, the only resolution we ever need to make is to be kind to one another. That’s the only thing we need to do.
⒃resolution n. = a firm decision 决心
⒄I made some New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the year, and I thought I would check with you. I’d see if I’ve actually followed through on, or aomplished what I was hoping to aomplish, cuz that’s, you know…Do you feel me?
⒅follow through 坚持完成,贯彻实施
⒆aomplish v. achieve or plete suessfully 完成
⒇Do you feel me? (口语= Can you see what I mean? / Do you feel the same way I feel about this?
⒈如果你有许下的新年决心,New Year's resolutions, 是否愿意跟我分享一下?In English or in Chinese. 半年后、年尾时,我们再来回望我们的. : )
⒉新的一年,新的自己。New Year. New You.